Monday, September 29, 2008


No experience....
Actually, that's a wonderful thing. It's sort of like saying she has no real organized crime or money laundering experience. That's a reason to write her name above her running mate's.

Not knowledgeable....
I am waiting for another Fourth Estate interview where the questions are suddenly put to her in Esparanto....or to name all the Osmond siblings. Because anyone could answer those questions....

Won't address the media....
Probably because questions about love children, pedaphelia accusations, etc., would probably qualify as 'irresponsible' in any other parallel world....or maybe a point blank question about the Clinton Doctrine may not seem all that surprising.

Lacking in Economics....
She gave a respit on state gasoline tax, increased graduated corporate rates on oil companies and flowed the surplus back to taxpayers.....seemed to work pretty good for United Arab Emerites.

I like her. I like her better than John and Obama on their best day.

Matter of fact, after the past week, it should be obvious that around 97% of the clowns in Washington are far less qualified, transparant and honest to run a high school supply store, let alone a country.

And I am not interested if the enlightened think these opinions are naive. I actually consider that a compliment. Otherwise, I would feel the need for several showers.

Soak it up....that's about as political as I will probably get on this blog.


Mark said...

Interesting...but..I clicked on the Palin photo but it didn't get larger. Is there a way to enlarge the Later is ok...I really don't think I will lose interest.

Charles said...

Be careful Luke! Turn from the darkside!

She is, by far, THE most attractive candidate.

Unknown said...

Love the blog and usually your posts lead me to some serious thinking. This one may have hit a nerve. After reviewing my comment I almost didn't post it as it comes off a bit angry and mean but I know you will take it in the spirit it was intended :)

A point by point response…

No Experience…
At least you have the honesty to ADMIT she has NONE. But making the argument that this is a good thing?? Breathtakingly irresponsible.

Won’t address the media…
Good plan here. Don’t like tough questions – just don’t talk.. If the questions are really to be as stupid as you suggest, then her going out and taking them head on would be to her credit.
But maybe her handlers have gotten to know her better than any of us have had the chance to and think better of it. Maybe she is awesome and want to wait to play this card as their “October Surprise”. We will see..

Lacking in Economics…
Although she has a short track record, she speaks often about cutting spending, lowering taxes and gives plenty of lip service to the other Regan era economic philosophies. But her actions tell another story, and by cutting taxes AND doubling spending she has left the small town of Wasilla with a 20 Million dollar deficit. Let’s see, can we think of another President that talks about Regan Economic principles but actually dramatically INCREASES the size of government AND the national deficit? I can think of one ..:)

To be fair, I kind of like her to. She is probably a good person and her success is a good story. I also like the idea of electing a woman to a high office. But making her the Vice Presidential choice behind the oldest first time Presidential nominee in history is scary. Not just scary, but IRRRESPONSIBLE.

For the record although I will vote for Obama, I am not in love with him. I believe he has the potential to be one of the all time great ones, but like most propositions that have a big upsides – the risk is equally as big.

Montie said...

Just a short comment on the "qualifications" of Palin... I can remember, when Bill's term as US president ended. There were a great many people crying out that Hillary should be the next president. At that time, Hillary had been nothing more than an attorney practicing in one of the least appealing states in the union, married to a governor of one of the least appealing states in the union, and then married to one of the least appealing presidents in US history. No experience whatsoever, just the wife of someone with experience. Then the cry from the multitudes, "We want Hillary! President Hillary!" Then she gets a couple terms as Senator and she is fully qualified to be president. Somehow those same people seem to think that Palin hasn't achieved an equal level of qualification as mayor/governor of Alaska. I think it is a gross misunderstanding of the differing responsibilities and duties between Governors and Senators. Another point... Don't elect Palin because she pushes abstinence. Clearly she is incapable of authority, considering she has a pregnant teen daughter that she could not influence. Then you have Hillary. Apparently a prime example of presidential material, who was married to and still is married to one of the most famous womanizers of the twentieth century. She stands for women's rights, an advocate for America's women, yet she personified the oppressed 1950's woman, discarded by her husband for the “skirt” of the moment, yet standing beside and supporting him with her big, doe eyes, blinking and hoping that he will change his ways (blink, blink, blink). All of this is to say that the Democrats are no better than the Republicans in tearing down someone just because they don't like the look of them. Its is funny to see this after eight years of accusations against the Republicans for not being honest about ANY Democratic candidate. Heck, even the National Organization of Women has shown their true colors by refusing to endorse Palin and choosing to endorse Biden instead. Well, if it is not about slipping on your pant suit, putting your pumps up on the mahogany in the oval office and saying “you’ve come a long way baby”, then what exactly is it about?

Mark said...

Some good points - both. But to the final question of 'what is it about?' I think that is a very good question.

Power. The essence is power. Those leading for power play on followers desire for significance - power by proxy...lazy-mans power (you and me). we see this played our in the presistence of the ACLU, the success of Rick Warren and Ostein, in Obama ( I have a cable channel called Obama..plays him all day long) Its all over the place...all the time...throughout time.

This has its historical imparative in the fall...politics/power was the first invention.

There is no one who knows the future or the human heart. So who you vote for is a crap-shoot. Knowing whats best is an 'informed' crap-shoot.

We don't like crap-shoots. We don't like ANY limitations. Even though everything points to them...income, relationships, speed of light, making something from nothing, Godel Theorem of Incompleteness, death. We pretend all these and countless others do not exist...and call this dellusion 'hope'.

So to further answer this important question - I don't know. But if someone says they will lower taxes, win a war, increase jobs...and I am undecided...then common sense dictates that when undecided, choose a conservative option. I am certain that Forest Gumps Mamma would agree...and you don't get smarter than her.

And as I mentioned in my first is not unimportant to our foreign policy that she is hot. A two second meeting with Pakistan Leader and the results prove that out already.

Apologize for the verbosity...up baby-sitting a server in Toronto...the vocational excitment I always hoped for.

Charles said...

Breathktakingly irresponsible?


Tell me how you really feel.

I write about things that I consider very important...much more crucial than armchair politics. But I take a vacation and write about Palin (I consider politics a vacation) and the fangs come out of nowhere. It's very strange and more telling than the content of your post. She's alot more honest, bright and experienced than the charicature. In fact, the only person in history that had presidential experience was Grover Cleveland in his second bid.

I'm not that bright or informed, compared to many folks out there. But I can read and hear. I know when someone is urinating down my back and telling me it's raining with great compassion...compared to someone who obviously doesn't get the well established crony network and constantly runs up against it. You disagree. That's cool. But breathtaking irresponsibility in our day and age can coat the entire country four thousand times over. I will get to that in a minute.

Regardless of whether you or I are right or wrong about her, Mark makes a great point about power. You do realize that your comments and most, if not all, of what you hear and read politically have nothing to do with truth? It's about power, regardless of truth.

For example, it is true that Bush is to blame for this mess. But if you have significant credit card debt or a second mortgage on your home, so do you. Since Obama coached folks to strong arm mortgage companies into making poor loans by threatening racist charges, he is very complicit as well. Since FREDDI MAC and FANNIE MAE were as bad as Lehman brothers, if not worse, in 2004, Biden is complicit for sweeping the deceptive accounting practices and parachute policies for its execs under the table...and declaring they were both sound and solid. For the friend, uncle or nieghbor that flipped property to try to make a fast buck, they are to blame as well.

In fact, this mess is our mess, not a republican or democratic mess. But since we vote and are catered to every even numbered year, we get to take a pass on any responsibility and find a scapegoat to help our side win.

It's about power, rather than truth. Otherwise, you would be much more interested in a Palin, rather than two crony senators who play the game.

Power absent of absolute truth is tyranny, black or white, republican or democrat or libertarian.

I really have the desire to argue the points you made and get into the pees and carrots....because I think I do know more about her and the state of affairs than you claim. But that desire doesn't come from a position of finding truth or pointing to the truth, but putting you in your place. There is a huge difference.

You understand what I am saying?