Saturday, September 6, 2008

Just some thoughts for now...

Why do people who are atheists or enthusiastic skeptics always end up in a vitriolic and passionate Great Commission of their own? If they really do not believe in Christ, why bother?

Why do so many evangelicals short circuit the depth of their relationship with Christ, in order to fit a mold made by men? Lots of nervous energy out there, disguised as joy. And it isn't really fooling anyone but us.

I have yet to figure out what a 'good person' is, for naturalists and skeptics. It's sort of like a chop shop of worldviews....a VW fender, Cadillac seats, Schwinn wheels, a toaster engine and gravy for fuel...and somehow it is supposed to gel into something better than Christ.

Why do people think a British accent equates to incredible intelligence? Christopher Hitchens is an twit.

Richard Dawkins' new book is Richard Dawkins' old books. But the cover looks very cool.

The college football stadium replaced the old university chapels. The coach and coaching staff replaced the ordained. The game replaced authentic worship. School Spirit replaced God. When a Barry Switzer autographed football equates to a medieval relic, regular life looks stranger than anything Alice saw Through the Looking Glass. The preachers of the new age tell us this is better and more meaningful than anything we ever had in the past. The harder we try to accept this, the more bumper stickers we buy, like a band-aid for a broken arm.

The only thing a presidential candidate can really promise to do, in our place, is fight the system from the top down until he or she dies or succeeds. The rest has always been up to us, and we refuse to accept it. We are to blame for our problems, not a politician. Why do teachers make $25K and ball players $5MM? Look no further than us.

Postmodernism, as the actual defined school of thought, is stupid. To think this is the best the brightest and most intelligent minds of our age can muster makes the Gospel shine all that much more in the darkness that surrounds us.

If John MacArthur believed so much in repentence, he wouldn't bloviate so much from on high. In fact, neither would I.

If politics and power is what it is really all about, kill me now.

Evolution is a great story. So is Lord Foul's Bane, from what I hear.

Death is the number 1 cause of all tooth decay.

After all is said and done, I can still see Jesus working in this world. And that keeps me sane and involved. I love Him more than I thought I ever would.