Friday, July 24, 2009

Don't ever say I am not transparent or self-deprecating

"Soak it up....that's about as political as I will probably get on this blog."

~ Charles Curtis, September 29, 2008, Sarah Palin post


Monday, July 20, 2009

Ron Paul

I was against Paul in the primary because of his radical stance of isolationism. But I regret that. I actually felt like I had no other choice than to vote for.....John McCain. I still am reeling from that. Could be worse. I could have voted for BHO Overdrive.

Paul is right on with his opinions on what is going on with the fed, our economy and our way of thinking in this country.

You can describe monetary policy with as many charts and graphs as you want, but bottom line is we have a bank helping the treasury department help congress spend more than God.....and tell us its saving us from disaster the entire time.

"Well, what alternative plan do you have?"

It's refreshing to hear someone say, "no plan" without flinching.

Sometimes not doing anything is the best course of action. Especially if you are congress or the fed. Their help is worse than our own harm. Complain about how we need more regulatory oversight all you want. We don't need a nanny to take care of us, especially since the nannie is far worse than we are, on our worst day. Do you really think the federal government is sober and moral enough to watch out for our indescretions? No, really?

And there used to be a time where we gutted through a recession, as painful as some of them were. It was pretty awful back in the early 1830's, and again in the latter 19th century. Even though we kept progressing economically through all these cycles, I think we started looking for some morphine at the turn of the century when the government turned to JP Morgan to bail us out then. It gave us the ingenius idea of the federal reserve bank in the first place. We were immediately addicted.

All this fed/treasury/stimulus crap is nothing more than our attempt at economic anesthesia, resulting in layer after layer of super important idiots creating super important long term catastrophes for short term pain management.

Republican or Democrat....if you think our current system of monetary and fiscal tinkering is actually something that is good for us, then you might want to hold off till you are taken off the slow drip before you begin to properly respond.

Folks, we are spending $4 trillion and taking in $2 trillion.....borrowing the rest or creating it out of nothing to fill in the gaps with what we fall short on debt raising. It's not helping us. Tacking on cap and trade as well as nationalized health care (it is nationalized....there will be no private insurance soon after the bill becomes enacted) is like taking a couple more hits of heroine as a plan to go cold turkey. Wake up. Turn off the Denise Richards reality show and The View...get into some good resources, find out what's going on and get plugged into stearing this country while we still have it to stear.

You wouldn't allow vandals to keep spray painting your house or car? Why let them drive the country in the ground? Wouldn't that be considered poor stewardship as well? What if it is God's will to let the US fall? Maybe. He is in control. And I am sure everything will be fine. But you and I can't guess His detailed plans anymore than the disciples could in Acts 1. In the meantime, we should stay involved, in principle. There is no contradiction in trusting God and being involved in the future of your country. There's also nothing contradictory about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and exercising your very blessed ability to have a say in how your government is working or not working.

There's nothing more dangerous to tyranny or total chaos than a truly informed and involved citizenry.