Monday, September 29, 2008


No experience....
Actually, that's a wonderful thing. It's sort of like saying she has no real organized crime or money laundering experience. That's a reason to write her name above her running mate's.

Not knowledgeable....
I am waiting for another Fourth Estate interview where the questions are suddenly put to her in Esparanto....or to name all the Osmond siblings. Because anyone could answer those questions....

Won't address the media....
Probably because questions about love children, pedaphelia accusations, etc., would probably qualify as 'irresponsible' in any other parallel world....or maybe a point blank question about the Clinton Doctrine may not seem all that surprising.

Lacking in Economics....
She gave a respit on state gasoline tax, increased graduated corporate rates on oil companies and flowed the surplus back to taxpayers.....seemed to work pretty good for United Arab Emerites.

I like her. I like her better than John and Obama on their best day.

Matter of fact, after the past week, it should be obvious that around 97% of the clowns in Washington are far less qualified, transparant and honest to run a high school supply store, let alone a country.

And I am not interested if the enlightened think these opinions are naive. I actually consider that a compliment. Otherwise, I would feel the need for several showers.

Soak it up....that's about as political as I will probably get on this blog.