Thursday, July 10, 2008

He's There....and He's Not Silent


I created this thing last February as an outlet for my writing and teaching (biblical). My passion is for Christ and His Kingdom, but I also realize I am a work in, that may explain what some may consider a little profane. But it's real....warts and all. So, if you are offended, my apologies. If you enjoy the curiosity of the profane, you may not find it in as large quantities as you had imagined. But in either case, its a good thing to get discombobulated from time to time. I am a wierd cross of someone who fiercely defends Scriptural inerrancy but thinks Superbad was an awesome movie...who strongly believes in grape juice for the Lord's Supper, but enjoys Modelo from time to time.

I started teaching a Bible Fellowship class at a Southern Baptist Church in 2002. Between then and March 2008, all of what I will post was written for those classes (until something else inspires to write new stuff). I was given a great deal of freedom to use my own material and to even push the boundaries at times. I still have a great deal of thanks to give the leadership of my local church for that. I never recieved a Master of Divinity, even though I did accumulated 36 hours at two seminaries. I have had a love for philosophy (Christian and otherwise) and theology since I became a Christian 10 years ago. I went through that zealous stage and ate Southern Baptist cookies and wore Southern Baptist underwear for the first 5 years of my walk with Christ. I learned about God's grace, mercy and undying love through heartbreak, failure, disaster and disappointment, wobbling back and forth between anger, repentance, wickedness, spiritual growth, knowing His will and finding out it was mine. Alot of that will come out in the writing. It's not a demonstration of a great Christian, but simply a sort of diary of God's work in and through the life of a beloved broken ragamuffin.

I hope you get something out of these writings. It's my prayer, in fact.


Mark said...

I had 60 hours...I guess that makes you almost twice as smart as me. Figures.

Charles said...

I may not be twice as smart, but I'm half as baptist.
